Saturday, September 30, 2006

Squirmy Boy

My dad was fixing breakfast the other day and took some video of me. He thinks I'm squirmy. I dont know, do you think I'm squirmy?

Squirmy Boy

Cool "play yard"

My Great-Aunt Barb and my Grandma Barb got me a really cool play yard. Mom says they dont call them play pens anymore, 'cause it sounds bad.

Thanks Grandma Barb and Aunt Barb!

It has a bassinet mode, but the false-floor can be removed to make it a play pen. I can't reach the mobile yet so my mama has to turn it for me.

It even has a fold-down changing table.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Great new swing!

Uncle Kip and Susan got me a great new swing. My dad and Grandpa John set it up a couple days ago and we tried it. It works really well.

Thank you very much, Uncle Kip and Susan!

Hmmm... I guess I need to grow a little more before it fits me just right.

Uncle Paul sweater

I don't really know what the story is, but Grandma Barb and my mama were real interested in seeing me in Uncle Paul's old sweater.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

After dinner nap

We had a big dinner tonight. Afterward I took a nap on Grandma Barb's shoulder. Thanks Grandma Barb.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Hanging out with Grandma Barb

This morning I got some great time with Grandma Barb. My dad took a picture.

Sneezer boy

Grandma Barb was holding me this morning. I couldn't help but to sneeze on her. I dont think she minded too much.

just a sneeze

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Grandma feeds me

Here is some video of Grandma Barb feeding me. Dad thinks the burping is the best part.

Just Grandma Barb feeding me

Bath time!

My mama and Grandma Barb gave me a bath today. It wasn't so bad.

The baby gets a bath

Monday, September 18, 2006

Grandpa John and Grandma Barb are here!

My Grandpa John and Grandma Barb arrived last night. It's great to have them here! Grandma Barb says I've gotten a lot bigger, but she can tell I am still taking my "cute pills".

At Lighthouse this morning

Dad and I harvested tomatoes for dinner

Grandma Barb gave me a new blanket

After dinner, Grandma Barb and I rested together

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Waiting for dad to make an espresso

My dad is learning how to make movies on the computer. In this one I'm pretty much just sitting there, but dad says he just needs to practice. This was taken yesterday.

Again, just practicing. This time I added titles.

Squirmy Sleeper

This is my dad's first attempt at video. Just an experiment really.

Just a short movie of me squirmin' around

Friday, September 15, 2006

Lighthouse with my dad

My dad and I went to Lighthouse this morning. Lots of other kids there, plus we talked to our friend Orla again. It was fun!

Me and my dad at Lighthouse

I had a lot of fussing to do, so I got really tired. My dad took this photo while I was recharging.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Big day today

I had a big day today. We rode the bus downtown, visited Pike Place and went to my dad's office. I was glad to get home and take a nap afterward!

Riding the #5 - my first bus ride! It looks like night in the photo but it was daytime

My dad carried me in the Baby Bjorn at DeLaurenti's grocery

My pal Jorge at dad's office

Todd holds me while Judy reads to me. Judy gave me a big stack of books and some clothes

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

First day at Co-op!

Mama and I had our first day of pre-school co-op! Our class is called the Parent/Infant Class. I'm one of the youngest kids, but mom says not to worry-in a few years we'll all be at the same grade.

Ready for co-op!

The Parent/Infant Class

Making art!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Napping with Turtle

Mom took me around Green Lake today. That's the farthest I've ever travelled in the baby rolling cart, and the farthest my mom has walked since May! Way to go Mom!

Jackie came for a visit today. Sorry we didn't get a picture.

I gave my dad a hard time at breakfast. Tonight I gave him a hard way to go after dinner. Then I fussed at my mom for a real long time. Whew, it's hard bein' me.

Here I am between fussin's, napping with Turtle.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Pooh gown from Allen and Amy

The first garment I received from friends was my Pooh gown from Amy and Allen. But it's been so big on me that I am just now able to wear it. My mom says I still swim in it.

Thanks Amy and Allen!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

A Big Saturday

Lots of pictures today!

It was chilly this morning so I got to wear my sleeper and berry hat

Hangin' out with Turtle in the bassinet

Helping my mama plant spinach in the side garden

Helping my dad water the front garden

Hey, my dad is going to water me!

My mom talked to Grandma Barb this afternoon

Uncle Bob and Aunt Barb came for a visit. They were impressed about how big I am. They called me porky and chunky!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Blanket Baby

It was a little cool in the breakfast nook this morning, so my dad wrapped me up in the blanket that cousin Sean and Jesse gave me. Ymmm... feels good in there!

Me in the Sean and Jesse blanket

My dad woke me up!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My two-month birthday

Today is my two-month birthday. My mama wants to take my picture in the Big Red Chair with Samuel on my birthdays. I think it's so we can watch Samuel get bigger each month.

Here's Samuel and me

Another one with Samuel. He's my pal.

My parents said they found me in the garden under the squash. Whenever I'm bad they say they are going to put me back. Hey, why are they practicing?

Check up at Dr. Allen's

My mom and dad took me for a check up at Ballard Pediatrics.

First Dr Allen answered questions, then he examined me. He noted that my infection is cleared up and said everything looks very good. He then weighed me and I am now at 8 pounds, 11 ounces!

Dr. Allen was very excited about my progress and said that I'm doing really well. He said that I'm a great baby.

Next I had to get my shots. This was not the fun part. I got four innoculations. Mom said that the band-aids are really cool, and that I was brave. Boy, I hope I never get a shot again ever!

Dr Allen checks me out

Dr Allen says "Great baby!"

My mama was real proud of my good check up

Monday, September 04, 2006

Busy Labor Day

Labor Day is fun! I took a nap. I helped my dad in the garden. I helped my mom make a peach pie and I had a bath. Plus I went to a party but didn't get any pictures there.

Its important to rest on Labor Day.

Peach pie, yumm!

My mom scrubbed me good!

Dad held me up for a photo

The part of a bath I like best is when it's over

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Camping out in the backyard

Saturday night we camped out in the backyard! It was fun! I slept really well, and so mama and dad slept well too. We had a great time.

Mama and Dad and me in the tent

Me and mama in the tent

I like camping out!

Breakfast at Pete's, coffee at Lighthouse

Mama and Dad have been going to breakfast at Pete's for years. Pete's is about six blocks away, so they pushed me up there in the baby rolling cart. It was my first time at Pete's and the owner, Rula, came to say Hello. She was very excited to get her picture taken with me.

Rula and me

Then we went to Lighthouse. Here I am with my Dad.