My school class went on a field trip to the Zoomasium today. It was fun! My dad went as one of the chaperones.
Getting ready to go. l-r: Anastasia, Kyra, Hans, me, Katerina, and Col. Not shown here are Dane, Cornelia and Vida.

Riding the #5 to the zoo. Miss Roberta with Katerina and Hans, and Dane and his dad.

Vida likes the fishes.

Oh my! Miss Sarah watches Anastasia coming out of her shell!

Watching through the window.

The water fountain is popular.

We all got crackers afterward. Even Col's mama got a cracker.

Katerina and Kyra

We sang songs while waiting for the bus to take us back to school.
l-r: Kyra, Cornelia, Vida, Isaac, me, Hans is in front of me, Katerina, Anastasia. Col isn't shown.