Sunday, March 30, 2008

On the phone with GranTom and GranGlo

This afternoon my dad was on the phone with GranTom and GranGlo while my mama and I were playing.

My mama said this shirt is getting too small for me. I wish my shirts would stop shrinking!

Here is my mama reading to me. You can see I made her wear the Literacy Blanket.

Flight Museum

After dropping off Grandma Barb at SeaTac, me and my folks went to the Museum of Flight. We saw lots of jets! Here are some photos.

Grandma Barb went home

We took Grandma Barb to the airport this morning. I wasn't very happy about her leaving. I miss you Grandma Barb!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cocktail Hour

We had C.H. this afternoon, with cheese and crackers. And spinach balls too!

My bear Samuel was there. Also, Mama's bear Elliot was there. He has the same name as I do but it's spelled differently.

Here Mama, have some cracker!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Reading on the window bench

I like when Grandma Barb reads to me, especially on the window bench.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Chocolate Ice Cream

Ymmmm chocolate ice cream after dinner! Yay!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Visit Aunt Barb and Uncle Bob's

We visited Aunt Barb and Uncle Bob's house tonight for dinner. Thanks for having us!

Aunt Barb got some cool trucks from the attic for me to play with.

Samuel liked the dump truck.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sean and Jessie Easter visit

Sean and Jessie came for Easter dinner. I wore my fancy outfit that GranTom and GranGlo gave me.

Sean read Go Dog Go! to me.

Jessie liked my train engines and cars.

Spaghetti dinner!

I took off my fancy shirt for dinner and wore one of my dad's tshirts. Then I pulled it over my head!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! Here are some photos of our day.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter egg hunt

We went to the big Easter Egg Hunt at the Zoo this morning. There were a lot of people there and it was fun but a bit chaotic.

On the way to the Easter Egg Hunt. Samuel has taken to riding up front.

At first I didn't know what to do.

Grandma Barb showed me.

I'm getting the hang of it.

We saw Harry and his folks there. Actually we saw five or six families we know.

On the prowl for more eggs. My folks didn't understand why I wanted to carry around my stickers. Some things you just can't explain.

The bunny doesn't really hide the eggs in the toddler area. She just drops them around and we collect them.

Easter haircut

I got my hair cut today. It wasn't so bad, but I got squirmy toward the end.

Samuel went first. Beth said she had never cut a bear's hair before.

Beth played a Thomas video for me!

Here I am with my Easter haircut!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Lookout Stool!

My Grandma Barb got me a lookout stool! Now I can climb up there and watch the world go by. Thanks Grandma Barb!

Hey, this lookout stool works pretty well!

Hey Mama, lookit me!


Marcus is one of our teachers. I really like him.

Marcus reads to Col and me. Vida looks on.

Marcus and me.

Grandma Barb is here!

My Grandma Barb is here for a visit. Yay!

She likes my spoon technique when eating oatmeal. Hold spoon in right hand, and reach in with left hand to eat. Simple!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New watering can

My mama got me my own watering can. It's nice!

My mama helped me at first.

I'm really getting the hang of it!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Philip Smith art glass

My folks got Philip Smith art glass for the front foyer a few years ago. Wow, the spring time afternoon sun really lights it up!

Afternoon in the schoolyard

My dad came to pick me up from school today. We were playing outside when he arrived.

Hi Dad. I suppose you're here to pick me up.


My buddy Col. Col was out last week. Glad you're back Col!
