Today is my one-month birthday. And for that.... I got a bath. I liked it better this time. And we used the real baby bathtub that we received from Rog and Jean - thank you!
My dad was using the video camera during the bath, but afterward he got still photos.
Getting dried off

My mama held me afterward

Sitting in Bouncy Chair

Happy one month birthday, Elliott!
See, taking a bath isn't so bad. In fact, once you get used to it you'll see it can be really fun.
Keep up the good work teaching your folks new stuff now.
It's hard to believe you're one month old already! The time is going so fast. Aunt Jean is visiting us in Woods Hole and was happy to learn that you like baths better in her tub.
I miss you and mama and dad very much and can't wait to see you in September. Neither can Grandpa John.
Grandma Barb
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