We went to the coffeeshop in the morning and I met Stilly there. Her real name is Stillaguamish. She was named for a river north of Seattle. But everyone calls her Stilly. She is a nice dog.
We went to Todd and Wendy's houseboat on Lake Union for their Fourth of July party. It was fun! But we left before the fireworks - that would have been scary!
We had food and met a lot of nice people. My dad drank a couple beers. After awhile Grandma Barb read a book to me.
Todd went for a swim, then we hung out together.
Later we went to a party at Mason's house. We didn't have the camera until after Mason had gone to bed - shoot!
I was tuckered out, so I took a nap in this cool tent thing.
Ray and my mama chatted while I snoozed.
At the party.
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