The front raised bed gardens have zinnias, basil, lettuce, corn, and those vines going up are hops.
Here is a close-up of the hops. My dad is harvesting them this weekend.
Here we planted a Coral Bark Japanese Maple. My mom named it Ichiro. My dad says there will be a patio here someday.
Here I am ready for our evening walk. Behind me you can see the front garden and Ichiro.
Okie doke, Turtle and I are ready for the walk now. Off we go!
The hops are beautiful. Way cool. Best shot of hops I have ever seen. Mt. Hood hops, I would hazard to guess. Question: if one day there will be a patio where the tree was planted, does that not mean that the tree will have to come down? Hmmm. Just wondering. With a flip of his hand, Elliott says to the chauffeur, "Proceed with my stroll, driver."
-Uncle Kip
My dad says they are Cascade hops. He and his friends are having a HopFest Sunday, harvesting the hops and making a batch of beer.
Ichiro will stay put. The patio will go next to Ichiro, in front of the chimney. :)
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