Lighthouse received a fresh shipment of coffee yesterday. My dad says its okay to play with the beans, but they can't be mixed or spilled on the floor.
Samuel likes the beans too.
We went to the Fishermans Terminal to see fishing boats. There are lots of them! And ducks too. Then we went to the Bay Cafe for English muffin with strawberry jam and milk.
We visited the Fisherman's Memorial.
This kid liked splashing through the puddle, but I didn't want to try it.
Poor Samuel!! Head over heels in coffee beans! But it does look like fun. In fact, I think you and your Dad had a great Saturday. With love--GG and GT
That Samuel does appear to like Ethiopian coffee beans. I don't blame him there. I think I'd just lie down in them and let myself be overcome with the coffee aroma. I think I'll brew a cup now.
-Uncle Kip
Regarding that last photo, I recommend wearing your boots to tromp through the water like that. (You're liable to get hollered at if you do that wearing your shoes.) The real excitement comes when you can wade through water that comes right up to the tops of your boots without spilling over. It takes some practice to get that technique down, but you'll get hang of it.
-Uncle Kip
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