Okay, I'm ready to go! This year I went as Tigger.
My Dad had me practice saying Trick or Treat.
Cousin Sean and Jessi were there, and Otis too.
I'm glad my mama was there or I would have been scared.
At Ken's Market.
At the hardware store.
Grandma Barb helps me Trick or Treat the video store.
Now let's go home and eat candy!
We love that Tigger outfit! Now that's right. You can run all the way home and dig into that pumpkinful of CANDY.
Love--GranGlo and GranTom
That was some mighty fine candy! I had suckers and Butterfingers and Cracklebar and all sorts of stuff.
I think I'd be badly skeert if I saw that creepy-looking guy in the black outfit with tophat.
-Uncle Kip
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